Granular Sulphur

Granular Sulphur

Granular sulfur is the raw material state of sulfur. It is sulfur that has been taken from the refinery or extracted from the mine and has not been processed. Sulfur can be found in pure form in nature, as well as in combination with other elements. Granular Sulfur is the unprocessed commercial name of the element Sulfur, that is, sulfur with its well-known name. Due to its physical condition, Lamp is the general name used for Sulfur, which is also called chips. Granular sulfur in agriculture, due to the hardness of its structure, oxidation is impossible, it can be used by making it powdered or micronized by physical interventions. In addition, such products are also called Granular Sulfur due to the fact that Powdered or Liquid sulfur can be mixed with other components to make it granular.

Sulfur is mainly used in the production of sulfuric acid, fertilizers, detergents (LABSA), paper, food industry, agriculture, auto tires, explosives, chemicals and dyes, waste water treatment, such as waste water treatment also finds a wide range of uses.

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